Monday, October 19, 2015

My Little House Obsession Produces Biscuits...

I'm obsessed with the Little House series.  Farmer Boy was the first book in the series we read and I've been completely hooked ever since.

I've always had a love for the way things once were--such a simpler time. I have a vivid memory of being in the 3rd grade and as our teacher read to us about pioneer days, each student took a turn shaking a Tupperware container filled with cream that, by the time our teacher was finished reading, turned into butter.  We spread it on saltines, which at the time seemed pretty cool, but now I'd much rather spread it on freshly baked bread {or one of these freshly baked biscuits}!

I typically read the books out loud to the boys everyday and sometimes the chapters end and I'm dying to know what happens next.  So I'll just go ahead and tell you that I've secretly read ahead in the books because I just couldn't wait any longer to find out what happens--especially with Laura and Almanzo in These Happy Golden Years.  I'm not kidding when I tell you that I laid in bed one night and read over fifty pages to find out how Almanzo proposed to Laura.  I slept so good that night knowing that all was right in the world and that things happened just as I thought they should.

So anywhoo, all that to say I made roast with potatoes and carrots in the slow cooker last week and naturally wanted an opportunity to feel like Ma on the prairie.  So I looked on Pinterest, of course, to see how to make biscuits from scratch.  People knew how to live back then.  Why, WHY did we have to industrialize ourselves and start buying tubes of biscuits that have 793 ingredients in them!?  This is a great mystery to me.  I could kick myself in the shins for not realizing earlier in life how easy making homemade biscuits really is.  I'll tell you one thing, I'm never buying tube biscuits again.

Here's the recipe...

Becca's Little House Biscuits:

2 1/4 C flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup buter, chilled and cubed
1 cup whole milk

{Preheat oven to 425}

Stir or sift together the dry ingredients.  Using a fork, mix in the cubed butter until the mixture looks like coarse meal.  Slowly add in the milk.  The dough should be a bit sticky, but able to be handled.  If it's too sticky then add a few more pinches of flour here and there until it's the desired texture and consistency.  Knead the dough a handful of times on a floury surface then pat or roll the dough to about an inch thickness...they HAVE to be at least an inch thick.  Cut dough with a floured cutter {I used a regular sized mason jar lid} and pull the lid or cutter up right away--don't twist it or it won't leave the edges of the biscuits jagged enough to rise properly while they're baking.

Place biscuits on a greased cookie sheet {I use coconut oil} or you can use parchment paper.

Bake for 13-15 minutes.

Enjoy, friends!


  1. These look amazing!! I usually just make drop biscuits, but I really want to make "real" biscuits sometime soon!

    1. They are so delicious! A little grass fed butter on them right out of the oven...perfection!


10 Cozy Farmhouse Necessities

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