Friday, October 23, 2015

{A Day with Dad...Theology & Air Hockey}

One of the best things about homeschooling is the unlimited amount of field trips we can take--wherever we want, whenever we want.  And when one of those field trips includes just Dad and the boys, well that's just cool.

If you've never heard of the Lanier Theological Library {I hadn't either until about two weeks ago}, here are some really cool things about it:

- They have the second largest collection of C.S. Lewis in the U.S.
- An original Kings James Bible printed in 1611.
- An original fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls--not facsimile {the boys thought this was really cool since Guy had just told them the story of how the Dead Sea Scrolls were found}
- Books on ancient languages, church history, Egyptology, patristics and lots more!

How did we never know about this place?!?!  I give that a big fat boo.

Another cool thing about the library is that admission is FREE!  I really can't believe that given everything they offer.

Here are some pics from the day. They loved it and can't wait to go time I'm going too!  

Elijah reading a Children's Bible.  Guy said the boys felt like they were in Hogwarts in the library with the limitless books and winding staircases everywhere!

In the chapel.  Guy has video of them singing 10,000 Reasons and it's so precious.  Guy said that was a highlight of the day for him :-)

On the grounds...

C.S. Lewis Collection...all of these are 1st editions.

1611 King James's opened up to a typo in Ruth.  Oops!

Map of Narnia

The artwork in the chapel is breathtaking and done by an artist from Lubbock.

Roman Coins--so cool since we're learning about Ancient Rome this year!

They don't know how to play but the board sure is cool!

Click on the link to view the website and be sure to check out the videos on the site as well!  

Guy surprised the boys with a trip to ITZ afterwards {a game place over by the library.}  We knew ITZ would be a big hit because they've been asking to go back since they went to a birthday party there this summer {it's pretty far from the house!} I asked the boys what the funnest part of their day was, fully expecting to hear that it was ITZ, but they said the library was their favorite.  SCORE! What every homeschool Mom wants to hear...

Until next time, friends!


  1. What a cool place and great experience for them! Love it!

    1. I can't wait to go--who knew this was right here in Houston!

  2. Donny was speaking of this hidden gem a few weeks ago. We will have to make a point to take Koen. Great photos Becca. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, D


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